Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beautiful new Niece!

Here is my brother and his wife's beautiful new baby girl. We are so glad she is here and healthy! She weighed in at 9 pounds 6 ounces! She was just about 3 weeks old in these pictures. I figured since I posted her mommy's belly shots...I would post her newborn shots that I took...

Such a beautiful new mom!

Fatherhood suits him!

Plum tuckered out!

Look at those bright eyes seeing new things all the time!

So sweet!


The Marshall Family said...

Hey Carrie!
I love hearing from you. Your pictures are again, AMAZING! If you ever want to practice on a little boy...
I hope you guys had a great thanksgiving, and have a great christmas as well.

pawlyandsandy said...

This little girl is so adorable!!! I love the last pose and the one with her eyes open, oh and all the rest!!! You really captured just how beautiful she is!

just a little easy listening!